Sunday, November 4, 2018

Old Barn at Aspen Dale draw

It was Saturday, but I didn't go wining. I worked on "Under Vine" instead. I produced this drawing of one of Aspen Dale winery's barns. This is an unusual drawing for me, the result of an experiment. Usually I try to draw my winery and its details directly from the site, when I'm there drinking wine. I want to avoid photographs although I work from them when I need to have a good reference. I think that drawings from photographs can sometimes look too precise. This time I used my computer screen with my reference photo on it. I put my drawing stuff on my computer desk in front of the screen and used a simple desk lamp for lighting. I think it came out quite nicely. I know that other artists especially commercial artists draw from the screen, but I've never done it before.

Tristan, I'm glad you're still reading the By-Product! I visit yours regularly. As to your suggestion about another collection book of my artwork, I am definitely considering making one or two with my best art in it. Darkover has copyright issues with the Marion Zimmer Bradley estate. But my own art is all copyright to me. What do you and other readers think of a book of my "Geometrika," or geometric abstractions that you've seen here? It would be very bright and colorful. I don't know whether it would have words or not. Also possible is a "Best Of" with all my favorites and major works in it. That would be a big, expensive project.

Drawing of barn is sepia tech pen on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 5", November 3, 2018.

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