"Virginia Under Vine," like its predecessor "The Earthly Paradise," is organized by the seasons , usually according to when in the year I was at the winery drawing. I also make seasonal themed borders like this one here. I'll be incorporating a winery drawing and texts onto this border so you can see what time of year I was at this one, namely autumn. Just recently some snow finally came to the area and some of the winery folk photographed their scenery covered with lovely white icy fluff. But I have never done a snowy winery picture for the books, and I can't copy someone else's photograph for my own use without permission. I suppose I could ask next time I visit. Meanwhile I admire the classic loveliness of our little six-sided friends, who are not wine but just plain water.
Autumn Border is Photoshop, 8 1/2" x 11", January 13, 2019.
I would like to see the spring and summer ones.