Sunday, January 13, 2019
Geometrikon Trigonometric Fantasy
In 2003 I was in the middle of a self-education project in mathematics. I had started in 2001 with basic arithmetic, then high school and college algebra, geometry, and by 2003, trigonometry. I hated trigonometry especially the mathematical part with equations. This tiny diagram was inspired by my work with the standard trigonometric figures of the "30-60-90" triangle. Later on I would go onwards to first year calculus, which I worked on until 2006 when I ran out of energy doing my Trader Joe work at the same time. I no longer work at Trader Joe's though I still shop there. I wonder if I could return to my mathematics.
Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 2 1/2" x 2 1/4", January 21, 2003. I'll add color to this one soon.
Reminds me of the golden rectangle. I'd like to see your take on it.