Monday, March 11, 2019

Abstractified Art Model 1972

Every artist who wants to make a career of it must do life drawing. You need to do as much as possible because this is the best way of learning to draw people. There are lots of ways to learn figure drawing and one of them is to make the drawing somewhat abstract so that the artist can learn to simplify before getting really detailed. This one is a simplified figure drawn from life. As I explained earlier, my mother belonged to an art group which pooled their funds and hired a model in a room at (of all places!) a church. I joined in when I had the time. Art models are hard to find these days outside of art schools or art departments in universities.
But with a sketchbook handy, anyone (wearing clothes) can be a model for you, as long as you are quiet about it.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 4" x 8", 1972.

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