Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ballerina Art Model 1972

Our models at the art club came from a wide range of occupations. This graceful lady, whose name was "Nellie," was a ballet dancer. You can see from her pointed foot that this was her trained way of moving. She worked with us many times but we never saw her perform in ballet garb.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 8" x 6", lots of touching up in Photoshop, 1972.

A special note to readers, if there are any: This week in March marks the 11th anniversary of this Blog. With some interruptions, I've been blogging away for more than a decade. I don't know whether anyone reads this any more but I hope to continue bringing you an art a day, whether newly produced or vintage. There is always the chance that I will run out of output, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

If there's anyone reading this, could you post here or on Facebook that you saw "Art By-Products." Pyracantha wants to know.

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