Sunday, June 16, 2019

Backlit Art Model 1972

I got more confident with the colored pencils as I continued life drawing. This image shows the model backlit with light from a big window behind the Posing Sofa. I was as interested in the roof architecture seen through the window as I was with the drawing process. The roof was clad in copper and it had rusted to a pretty shade of blue-green which you can see a little of here.

I'd love to do life drawing again. Coffee house people hunched over their computers just aren't arty enough. At one point to my delight my local art association did have a series of models posing which I joined but unfortunately not enough people showed up to draw and it was canceled. 

This backlit model is one of the last images in my 1972 sketchbook so this concludes the 1972 era of my artistic output.

Colored pencil on sketchbook page, 5" x 8 1/2", 1972.

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