Saturday, August 31, 2019

More Coffee Shop with Pastry

Properly keeping with the Coffee Theme for this year is a drawing of one of many coffee shops I frequent. This is a view inside "Pastry Xpo," an upscale European-style shop which serves not only coffees but a dazzling array of cakes, pies, cookies, and many other pastry delights. The Xpo is located in a recently built complex of shops, residences, restaurants, and offices complete with a plaza with outdoor seating where you can enjoy the good weather. Xpo also has a big window where you can see out to the street. Here you can see a coffee cup and a block of Xpo's ultra-rich cake on the foreground table.

Sepia brown tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 5". Note that this tech pen I'm using has a much thicker point than the needle-pointed Rapidographs I used back in the 1970s. August 30, 2019.

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