Friday, August 30, 2019

More Corelli Boys 1976

When I returned home from Rome in 1976 I was still drawing lots of Corelli pictures possibly with the idea of making a graphic novel from the book. I did some writing adaptations and page layouts as you will see, and populated it with characters who were debauched versions of Alma-Tadema's well-wrapped Roman aristocrats. Here are two more pretty boys waiting their turn to have a flirtation with the young, beautiful, and sinister Snake Priestess.

I was still using the very thin Rapidograph tech pen which was equivalent to an American 4-0. After 1976 I went on to draw with more visible penwork while still using red-brown ink made by Pelikan.

Red-brown ink in 4-0 tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", late 1976. Click for a larger view.

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