Monday, September 23, 2019

Japanese Fantasy

My educational reading these days is a blocky book titled "The  Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture" by Mark Schilling. It was published in 1997 so it's out of date but most of these things would be familiar to a contemporary Japanese person. The book describes movie and TV stars, pop and rock singers, song and dance acts, video games, genres of pop music, anime, fashions, and other things filled with Japanese names and words I don't understand but still enjoy. 1997 is before the widespread adoption of Internet so most of the things coming from Japan are now internet based. Now I need a follow-up volume describing and telling the story of current anime epics. I'm not a huge JapanFan but I want to know what is going on in the "otaku" mind.

The image above contains some very familiar Japanese motifs such as a fan, Mount Fuji, and a big red sun. 

Marker on sketchbook page, red added in Photoshop, 7" x 2 1/4", September 23, 2019.

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