Sunday, September 22, 2019

Poet's Palace 1976

As I have tediously explained in previous postings, in the royal enclave of CorelliWorld, the Poet Laureate is granted a palace to live in (as long as the King favors his poetry!). This is my rendering of the main hall of Sah-Luma the Poet, done up in a mixture of Babylonian temple and Victorian grand ballroom. I've blogged this image before but I can't find it in the records so I'm going with a cropped and enhanced view. This was done just after I returned from Europe so that's why it looks like an imperial 19th century grandiosity. There are lots of entertaining details so you are invited to click on the image.

Brown ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, 10 1/2" x 9 1//2", 1976.

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