Friday, December 27, 2019

Behind the Garage

I got my car inspected just under the wire (literally, note wires in picture) at a local Sunoco garage. I found something interesting to draw and did it while the inspection was going on. The weather was unusually warm and bright so I was able to draw outside the door on a bench. When I finished and the car was ready, I noticed that the young guy running the shop was drawing an intricate map on a paper at the counter. I correctly identified him as a role-playing gamer. He said he used to run a game but his players had all moved away so he was left with only the game world illustrated by his maps. He enjoyed world-building for its own sake, no inspections needed.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 4 1/2", December 26-27 some work done in studio.

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