Saturday, December 28, 2019

Zoroastrian Worship Service 1997

This sketch depicts a Zoroastrian jashan, or worship service. This ceremony is not held in a temple but in a household or small hall. It is placed on a decorative floor covering as you see here. Also on the floor are metal vessels containing fruit, sacred symbolic items, the books of the Zoroastrian scriptures, called the Avesta, and the big urn on which the Sacred Fire burns. The monotheistic Zoroastrian faith uses a flame as the symbol of the One God.The man in white robes is a Zoroastrian priest clad in his ceremonial attire. I chose not to depict the Sacred Fire here but in other sketches I did draw it. 

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", February 1, 1997.

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