Sunday, December 29, 2019

DC Preps on Metro subway 1997

If you live in Metro DC for any length of time, and you ride the Metro subway, you will see characters like these. One of my friends calls them "Washington ingenues," that is, young, pretty boys and girls from very privileged backgrounds, on their way up to attaching him or herself to a source of power. You saw the dark side of this culture during the Kavanaugh confimation, but it would be wrong to think of them all as rapists or ruthless young power-grabbing operators. After all, your life consists of kissing up and ingratiating yourself with well-spoken words and gestures, so you'll probably be likable and even sweet. I see them at wineries too on the weekend, mixing it up with others of their kind. I am as privileged as they are, but I just keep drawing.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", March 6, 1997.

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