Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Deadheads 7: Horse Police 1991

In those days of the Wild West and the Dead singing cowboy tunes, police kept order in a crowd by riding real live horses around the grounds. No one expected a sedated bunch like this to riot or even to move about, but a horse trained to manage unrest had an easy time of it. The police horsemen also counted on the Deadheads' gentle fondness for creatures real and fantastic. The Deadhead on top of the page was not a victim of any violence; he was just lying peacefully on the ground. I wonder whether the DC cops or cops anywhere still use horses in crowd control situations. According to Wikipedia, they still exist and still perform their work at  events where cars and bikes might not fit.

Black ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 7 1/2", March 20, 1991.

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