Thursday, December 5, 2019

Deadheads 8: Nitrous 1991

Back at the parking lot scene, the Deadheads are wandering about waiting for the show to begin. They brought colorful cloths and pillows to make sitting on the asphalt easier. Fortunately, it was not raining though the weather that day was rather moist. I'm not sure what they did if it was really pouring. I think they all migrated into the arena in the rain and you see the open gate of RFK Stadium in this selection of sketches. To lower left is a Deadhead holding a balloon. This was not just a toy. It was filled with nitrous oxide, also known as "laughing gas." It was usually used as an anesthetic in dentists' offices, but the Deadheads smuggled tanks of it in and dispensed it in balloons which you (not me) would inhale from. I guess I could say it was a Deadhead appetizer.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 7 1/2", March 20, 1991.

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