Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Photoshop Design Elements

There are a lot of painting simulation programs which can be used on a Macintosh or an iPad, and I would eventually like to experiment with them. For now I continue to use an outmoded but still just fine edition of Photoshop CS4. This program is more "graphic" that is hard edged and flat tones but if I really wanted to make something look like a painting I suppose I could. This Photoshop doodle could be replicated in gouache or acrylic, but it would take hours, perhaps days, and involve messy spray paint or even airbrush. This lazy artist pressed for blog time sez: ain't technology grand....when it works.

Photoshop, 4 1/2" x 6". December 18, 2019.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't matter how you did it, Pyra. It's gorgeous. You know I love your abstracts... as much as I love your other work. :)
