Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rachel from 1991

The portrait face above the center is someone named "Rachel." I've known a lot of Rachels in my time. She was a friend of "Laura," pictured at lower right, and I was hanging out with my friend Laura in her New England house. Retrieving all these characters from my life a while ago has caused me to struggle through a room full of dust, memories I can pick up with only modest effort. But who was this Rachel? I think she was married to someone named "Scott." I did my best with Google but it revealed almost nothing. I could go further but I haven't seen or heard of these people since the mid - 90s so I think it's better to let the dust go. 

Black ink on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", December 27, 1991.

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