Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Big Box 1998

When you're shopping at a big store or a mall, there are no chairs to sit on. They want you to stand up and buy stuff. Staples is no exception. This "big box" store has managed to last more than 20 years, despite episodes of mismanagement and economic downturns. Here is a view of the inside of Staples. It looks more "industrial" than the clean white interior-scape it currently inhabits. And how did I draw a picture inside the store without sitting down? I leaned my sketchbook on a display and drew while standing. I didn't get run over by the grand rolling ladder depicted near the center of the image.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 6", March 16, 1998. I sure did a lot of drawing in 1998.

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