Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Supersonic Orange

My birthday was June 25, and these are the little tiles I put behind my date entry for my sketchbook journal. I am represented by the orange rocket plane at left, which is an image of "Glamorous Glennis." She was the inspiring wife of pilot Chuck Yeager, the first man to break the sound barrier. He named his supersonic plane after her. Believe it or not, Yeager is still with us at age 97. His historic flight was in October 1947. The pink and orange swoops symbolize the sound barrier. I remember hearing "sonic booms" in my childhood as supersonic jets passed overhead.

Markers, altered with Photoshop, 8" x 2 1/2", June 2020.

Readers, please be aware that my entire June set of postings, and probably others as well here, has been invaded with spam "messages." Proceed with caution.

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