Saturday, July 25, 2020

Back to Posting, I Guess: Cubist Bird

It's been about four days since I posted here. "Blogger," my host for more than 10 years, upgraded  their infrastructure (I love that word, " makes me sound smart) and all the posters must follow a new layout. Once I figured out how to make it work, I can go back to serving up art by- products for my devoted readers. I want fresh new art on this page, even if it is just a doodle. There will still be vintage art, too. A doodle is when I just put a pen in my hand, put that on paper, and go from there with no plans or theme intended. Anyone can do this. If something too stupid shows up, I can always delete, erase, or tear it up. Lately as you can see I've been playing with my date stamp designs. I may color this one in later. Cheers in a time of horror and chaos.

Ink and Photoshop assembly on sketchbook page, July 2020.

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