Most dragons have wings like bats' wings. So I took out my animal photograph books and copied out some photos of bats and parts of bats. Here's the odd part. While I was drawing these drawings, a real live bat got into my apartment and flew around wildly, having no idea how to find the open window and get out. I tried to, uh, bat it to the floor with a dusting mop, but I couldn't capture it. However I did get a close-up look at a real live bat. Synchronicity at work! But sometimes synchronicity can get downright annoying. I called the local animal control and found that the police take care of animal intrusions in the off-hours. Meanwhile the bat was still flying around in my bedroom. I opened the window and closed the door, hoping that the creature would find its way out. The policeman arrived and found no bat. So either it finally found its freedom through the window, or it's still hiding somewhere in my room. I am not sleeping there till I can check all the hiding places. Meanwhile I'll sleep on the living room fold-out couch. Fortunately, though the bat bumped into me a couple of times careening about, it didn't bite me.
But that won't stop me from finishing my challenge practice drawing for tonight. Here are my bats, and an adaptation of a bat-like dragon from Peffer's book - as well as a little sketch from memory of the hapless "large brown bat" specimen who spent a couple of difficult hours trapped in an alien environment. Pencil on sketchbook page, about 8" x 11", March 9, 2012.
Don't start drawing Cthulus or the personification of an Antrhax, okay? If you can summon a bat by drawing them, that's probably proof enough!
A bat got into your apartment? I hope it found its way out!
I was searching up bat reference and found this and I just wanted to say that I like the way you handled the wings/arms to hold up the dragon. It looks very natural.
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