I must have a dozen dragon drawing books by now. And there are more of them out there. These dragon claw studies were copied from a book called "Drawing Dragons" by Jim Hanson and John Burns, and the back legs were copied from one of the sample dragon illustrations at the back of Tom Kidd's book "How to Draw and Paint Dragons." I have other dragon parts I need to learn to draw. I am not "authorized" as yet to draw an entire, detailed dragon. I am following the sequence of most of the books which teaches how to draw dragon parts before you depict the entire creature. Maybe a dragon will appear to me in a dream and give me this authorization. I hope one doesn't fly into my apartment as the bat did.
Pencil on sketchbook page, 8" x 10", March 29, 2012.
1 comment:
I remember having this book as a kid - a gem among the dragon art books in my mind at the time, and still fondly regarded. Seeing these brings me back!
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