Monday, November 23, 2020

Mid-Century Black Diamond Lobster


It isn't an advanced-skills ski track, it's another sketchbook date border which has been de-worded from the space in the center. Most of the design is mid-century modern, that spacey style that I witnessed as a young design fan. Some of this is inspired by my mother's art, which was itself inspired by the work of Kandinsky, if he had lived in New England and ate lobster, which my mom did not eat. But she did paint a picture of a pile of lobsters, which was painted and exhibited in the early nineteen forties and got much acclaim. We discovered this picture when we were cleaning out the old house. It has now been five years since my mother's passing. ""Lobsters" is in storage somewhere in the Boston area.

Here it is:

Encaustic on hardboard, c. 2 ft x 3 ft, 1939, Esther Geller

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