I did this sign just before the owners' visit. It joins a host of other signs in the store telling the customers how low the prices are for all sorts of items. Given the financial debacles that have recently happened, retail stores especially in the highly competitive grocery sector need all the help they can get. I was asked to make this sign especially bright and catchy because it will be mounted in a rather low-visibility place. It is done on foamboard with spray paint and acrylic paint markers and is about 24 inches wide.
The managers have told us signmakers that some "changes" are going to happen with our work and our workspace. This sounds ominous, though I hope it will not be too bad...I will soon find out exactly what "changes" they are talking about.
As some of the readers of "Art By-Products" know, I have decided to close down my other Weblog, "Electron Blue," after a more than four-year run. It is possible that I may write more text or essays here at "By-products," although its main focus will remain artistic. But I wonder whether I should bother. I don't know whether anyone views or reads "Art By-Products." I also don't know why I seem to have a compulsion to tell other people about my life and thoughts.
My plan is to take down "Electron Blue" and re-purpose its web machinery as an occasional blog venue to introduce new "finished" pieces. Naturally, it would be called "Quality Art Product." It's also possible I might re-start "Electron Blue" here in the Blogspot system which has a protected comment feature and other conveniences. If you are at all interested in these Web projects of mine, please feel free to leave a comment here at "By-Products."
Thank you, "The Management"....Pyracantha at "Art By-Products"
I say, do this blog for yourself and not others. If you enjoy it, keep doing it. You do have readers and those who enjoy your artwork and stories that go along with them.
If the blog becomes a chore to update, either take a break or stop altogether.
I enjoy your work, but you already knew that. :)
You have a fan who checks in on By-Product on a daily basis. Keep up the good work!
Sorry this comment is a bit late. You have at least a third person who reads this blog and Electron Blue. However, I can understand if you are thinking about closing down Electron Blue. But please consider keeping up this one.
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