Thursday, December 19, 2019

Worldcon Anaheim 1996

And here we are in 1996, at another gathering of the unusual, the costumed, the dreamers, and the altered of consciousness, though the alteration was due to books rather than music or substances. This is the front of the Anaheim Hilton, near Los Angeles, California, where the convention was held. I came to this convention with a stack of art, hoping to continue building a career in illustration. I sold some pieces and prints but the Big Career never materialized. The science fiction world is quite different now and though Worldcons are still held, I don't go to them any more. I can go on about how different it is and how much has changed but right now 23 years later I am not willing to put in the effort. I still make art as you can see from this Blog but there are no bikini-clad warrior women, or men on space-bikes, or elves, or robots in my art these days. Unless someone wants to pay for it but I don't think so.

Black ink on sketchbook page, 8" x 5", August 27, 1996.

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