Friday, December 4, 2020

Advent 1


Advent, for the non-religious among my readers (?) is the period of time four weeks before Christmas. This is a time of devotion among Christians, as they get ready for the celebration. One lasting Advent tradition is the use of the color purple, which signifies penitence and forgiveness. In Roman Catholicism and other Christian groups, the celebrating priests wear purple vestments.

I'm taking a break here from Worldcon 1984 to experiment with Advent motifs, including this one with the abstractified  images of the Three Kings who went on a journey guided by the Star. This journey is shrouded in mist, the star behind the fog, as for the first week in Advent, the journeyer doesn't know where he or she is going. I worked on this one in my mind before committing to pixels. The color is right but the abstraction with landscape and Kings is not.

Back to sketchbook and Worldcon tomorrow.

Photoshop, 5" x 5", December 4, 2020.

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