Saturday, December 12, 2020

LA-Con Palm Trees 1984


There were big, live palm trees in front of the Anaheim Convention Center. I had seen live palm trees elsewhere, such as in southern Europe, but these were in America. I turned to my fellow East Coast conventioneer and exclaimed "PALM TREES! HOUSE PLANTS GROWING RIGHT THERE IN THE DIRT!" As I have said, I don't get around much but now I do. I had to draw them, right there on the main concourse with the movie stars and costume show conventioneers.

Black tech pen, 7" x 4 1/2", September 1, 1984.

Note: The sticker in the corner is an ad for a future Worldcon to be held in 1989 in Boston. It takes at least 5 years to put on a Worldcon so they plan very much ahead when they have won their bid. Boston won their bid but since I was busy moving I didn't have time to go so they went on without me.

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