It's that time of year again, and we in the Washington DC area had our first snow. It was so poetic, especially the grumbling and cursing part. I continue to wallow in my old artistic efforts which I am shoving around in the dust. I haven't done anything new in more than a week, other than the restaurant decorations, which are now installed and have earned me four gourmet dinners. I did this picture above, in 1980. The hazy moon through high clouds, a sure sign of snow to come, was done with my big new art tool of the time, a Paasche airbrush. It may have been the very first time I used the airbrush on a painting. I still have the simple air compressor engine and a couple of different airbrush painting guns, and it all still works. Ink and gouache airbrush spray on dark blue paper, mounted on black matboard, about 8" x 10".
Very nice. You captured the look and feel perfectly. Airbrush artwork astounds me, in that the artist must have such a steady hand. Especially in this case with all that fine detail in the branches. Impressive.
Thanks for your comments, guys.
Michael, I was unclear in my description of media. The lines of the tree branches were done in pen and ink. Only the moon was done in airbrush. So, not that astounding.
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