Surakosai, in my NoantriWorld. Some have nicknamed it the "City of Crystal," others the "City of Reason." It's on the eastern coast of Trinacria, what is now Sicily. The city is a center for business, imports and exports, high tech development, and increasingly, tourism. The waterfront was originally a fishing village, and then an industrial area, but now after 200 years, it is adapted for entertainment and tourism. The large bubble-like thing you see to the left is the Convention Center, and the high building to its right is the 100-story "Tananoantri Tower," the tallest building in Noantriworld. The three green buildings to the right of the image are "Aquamarine Place," historic architecture by the nouergist architect Apsou-Ari. In the hills in back, you can see a number of mansions as well as the Nouergic Institute, which is the highest building on the slope.
This is a very rough sketch and not meant to be anywhere near a proper illustration. Photoshop, about 3 3/4 inches by 2 inches.
1 comment:
1.) Maybe this isn't meant to be a proper illustration, but I love the semi-abstract style, the sort of digitized blocky impressionism.
2.) It strongly reminds me of Tacoma, Washington, where I went to college. Tacoma has its own waterfront dome. You can see the similarity in this picture I think, even though it's not taken from the same off-shore view as yours. Makes me all nostalgic.
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